
Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Profile Eddie Guerrero

Eduardo Gory "Eddie" Guerrero Llanes[5] (lahir pada 9 Oktober 1967 di El Paso, Texas). adalah pegulat profesional Amerika dengan nama Ring Eddie Guerrero. dia dipromosikan ECW dan WCW. lalu pindah ke WWE.

Kematian mendadak Eddie datang pada 13 November 2005, dua hari setelah pertandingan final di televisi terhadap Mr Kennedy untuk tempat di Smackdown Tim Seri Survivor. Dia ditemukan di bawah sadar kamarnya hotel oleh keponakannya, Chavo. Meskipun ada upaya berani untuk menyadarkan Eddie, ia dinyatakan meninggal oleh paramedis. Eddie Guerrero pada umur 38 tahun.

-As Eddie Guerrero
Frog splash (WCW/WWF/E)/Jackknife Splash (WCW) – adopted from Art Barr
Lasso from El Paso (Cloverleaf while kneeling on the opponent's back or an Inverted figure-four ankle lock)
-As Black Tiger (II)
Black Tiger Bomb (Sitout crucifix powerbomb)
•Gerakan Khas
Abdominal stretch
Dropkick, sometimes from the top rope or to the opponent's knees
European uppercut
Figure-four leglock, sometimes while standing
Gory special - adopted from his father
Headscissors takedown,sometimes from the top rope
Hilo (Slingshot somersault senton)
Monkey flip
Multiple powerbomb variations
Splash Mountain (Sitout crucifix, sometimes from the second rope)
Sunset flip
Multiple suplex variations
Belly to back
Three Amigos (Triple rolling verticals)
Spinning crucifix toss dropped into a neckbreaker
Spinning facewash to a face up opponent
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
Tornado DDT, sometimes while springboarding
Art Flores
"Latino Heat"
•Entrance themes
"Smell Yourself" by Los Lobotomys[30] (NJPW)
"Animal" by Pearl Jam (ECW)
"Live and Let Die" by Guns N' Roses (ECW)
"Latino Heat" by Jim Johnston (WWF/E/IWC; April 2, 2000 – May 21, 2001, April 1, 2002 – March 13, 2003)
"Smooth" by Santana featuring Rob Thomas (ROH)
"We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal" performed by Los Guerreros and composed by Jim Johnston (WWE; used while teaming with his nephew Chavo)
"I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal" by Jim Johnston (WWE; March 14, 2004 – August 21, 2005, October 28, 2005 – November 11, 2005)
"Crackin'" by Jim Johnston (WWE; August 25, 2005 – October 21, 2005)

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